
Ministry (sharāth/šrt) in the ot is grounded in the nature of God himself. It is grounded in the nature of God’s relationship with Israel, his people. Although the Israelites had many failures, God, with love, elected and called the Israelites—both as individuals and groups—his servants, calling them to serve and to minister to the people, who were themselves ministering, as well as to be servants to the servant people of the Lord. On this basis, this essay exegetically and theologically examines the priestly vocation of the ministering people, or the royal priesthood (mamleket kohănȋm [mt]; hierateuma (lxx]) in Exodus 19:6 and its related texts (Isa 61:6). It demonstrates its theological extension to the nt priestly people basileion hierateuma (1 Pet 2:5, 9–10; cf. Rev 1:6) in order to underline its theological implication for the vocation of the church, the body of Christ, in Africa and beyond.


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