Transformational Leadership of Nehemia in Spirituality, Integrity and Visioner to the Contemporary Leaders
The book of Nehemiah provides a remarkable example of transformation leader motivated by, and acting for, God's ends: God's glory and the good of those served. It also provides an example of the use of godly means: the pursuit of spirituality in leadership, integrity and visioner focus upon achieving desirable results. The Transformational leaders in organization and communication is very important. The formulation of the problems that the author raises in this scientific paper are: First, is the character of Nehemia the most dominant character modeled by the contemporary leaders? Second, which background category most dominantly determines the transformational leadership based on the book of Nehemiah for the contemporary leaders. The writer uses a quantitative descriptive method with a correlational survey type explanation method. From the results of the data analysis: First: “The transformational leadership based on the book of Nehemiah for the contemporary leaders are in the sufficient category” in this research is proven. Second, “The dimension of Spirituality as the character of Nehemiah who is most dominant in the role modeled by the transformational leadership based on the Book of Nehemiah” is proven to be true.
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