
The article described at first conceptual of halal tourism which is based on Islamic Shariah. Second, analyses of halal tourism effectiveness practically. Third, research of Indonesia as biggest Muslim populations in the world provide and serve halal tourism. To research this thing authors used a descriptive analytical research method coupled with literacy techniques. As a summary that halal tourism is growing fast in Indonesia with some special advantages and efforts actually. Evidently, Indonesia has been selected as the best halal tourism in the world by 2019 and the trend of increasing visitors especially from middle east whom mostly Muslim’s travelers to the country. The implications of the research are found relatively new development of halal tourism conceptually and the implications in promoting halal tourism, serving Muslims community to get satisfactions in tourism without deny their belief, halal tourism is a health tourism that provide only foods, beverages and healthy advertisement and also green tourism that secure environment practically. Practical implications there are first, promote halal tourism. Second, serve Muslims community to get satisfactions in tourism without deny their belief and Islamic tennets. Third, halal tourism is a health tourism that provide only foods, beverages and healthy advertisement and green tourism that secure environment. The article is original as a result of a research in international issue that concern of halal tourism which service tourists specially for Muslims, and also offers new platform in tourism business.


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