
The passage in Proverbs 31:10–31 is a beautiful depiction of the virtuous wife, also known as the Proverbs 31 woman. This passage is often used as a guide for women in their roles within their families and communities. The heart of her husband trusts in her” (Proverbs 31:11). She seeks wool and flax and works with willing hands” (Proverbs 31:13). She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy” (Proverbs 31:20). 4. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue” (Proverbs 31:26). Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). The Role of the Husband and Family The passage also highlights the role of the husband and family in relation to the virtuous wife. The husband of the virtuous wife is respected and known in the gates, which indicates that he benefits from her hard work and reputation (Proverbs 31:23). The children and husband of the virtuous wife praise her, and her works bring them honor (Proverbs 31:28). Reflection on Proverbs 31:10–31 The passage in Proverbs 31:10–31 provides a timeless model of a woman who is dedicated to her family, diligent in her work, and deeply rooted in her faith. It serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for women in their various roles within the family and society.


Finding a capable wife is difficult. According to Joubert and Smith, “A wife of capable (honorable) character is not easy to find, but when she is, she is worth more than a treasure, for she has all the honor and power to exercise wisdom that is more precious than gems.” Discovering a capable spouse is not insurmountable. It is there but difficult to locate. Not every community has it (Lang, 2004). Many attractive women aren’t like that. Individuals who believe they have discovered a suitable spouse have been duped (Henry, 2013). Some wives never want to learn that their husbands have challenges at work; instead, they always want to “demand” from them how much their personal needs cost. A wife is a helper and a gift from God to her husband. The wife becomes her husband’s lifelong partner. The marital vows that have been made in front of God and witnessed by His congregation oblige her to be faithful to her spouse during both happy and sad times. In order to live happily and in accordance with God’s plan, a husband and wife establish their family on the foundation of God’s Word. The key to the blessing of happiness is revealed by God in the book of Proverbs 31:10–31 with the passage of a capable wife. The TB version of the Bible uses the word “capable,” BIS uses the word good, the KJV uses the word virtuous, and the RSV uses the word good, and the NIV uses the word noble. Speak in Hebrew, chayil () means (1) strength, ability, efficiency, and wealth; (2) able to express strength, ability, talent, efficiency, wealth, and army; and (3) a representation of the noble character. Proverbs 31:10 opens with a description of a noblewoman. This idealistic degree of character portrays a mature woman who has lived a long and reasonable life (Hawkins, 1996). She was later described as a lady who “in the eyes of her husband” exceeded other ladies who did respectable things in Proverbs 31:29. According to MacArthur, Proverbs 31:25–27 highlights her character (MacArthur, 2005). As Chitando (2004) said, she is a capable and smart woman, and her Hebrew name means “Woman of Worth”. Boaz was referred to in Ruth 2:1 as “a man of standing,” which suggested a similar dignity. Ruth 3:11 states, “All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.” This type of character is mentioned there. Ruth was a powerful woman who accomplished her tasks with efficiency (Hawkins, 1996, p. 14). Strong parallels might be seen between Ruth and the woman of noble character (Hawkins, 1996, p. 14). A capable wife is a wife who has strength and ability, is an efficient working wife, and is a wife who has wealth.

The military is referred to as “competent” in modern Hebrew, and a strong wife is compared to an army. His physical prowess is on par with military might. He is competent in all aspects of family and professional life and physically fit. Her wifeship is noble. This is consistent with God’s creation design, which states that man is made in God’s image and likeness (Gen. 1:26–27). Because people are made in the image of God, the human identity is so lofty, graceful, polite, and noble (Sinulingga, 2018).

Proverbs 31:10–31 states that God provides a capable wife with a purpose. Matthew Henry states, v. 10. A capable wife is a woman strong by wisdom and grace and fearing God. Women who are filled with spirit can control themselves and know how to control people. She was devout, diligent, and helpful to her husband. Women who are full of courage, live in the truth, are tough, confident, and brave enough to face challenges that hinder their responsibilities. A capable wife describes the ideal wife and mother. His whole life honors God (v.30), he has compassion for the needy (vv.19–20), and he is loyal and loving to his family (v.27). “All the ideals proposed here may not be fulfilled in a wife or mother, but every wife can strive to serve God, her family, and her neighbors” (Henry, 2013). Proverbs 31:10–31 might be interpreted carelessly as a model for spouses and mothers. Therefore, that type of program would not work for what it was designed to do.

Many crucial leadership traits may be inferred from the paragraph, which sums up her demeanor and actions. In Proverbs 31:12, she focused on doing good for the people she served. Her hands represented her arduous work (Prov. 31:13). She bought land and traded things, demonstrating her commercial acumen (Proverbs 31:16–19). She gave assistance to those in need (Proverbs 31:20). She inspired people and exuded confidence (Proverbs 31:21–23). Proverbs 31:25–27 states that she was a wise teacher and defender with a high moral standard. Her actions won her praise and admiration (Prov. 31:28) (Claassens, 2016).

Research Methods

The researchers in this study employed a qualitative research methodology. This research was a literature study, which included several tasks pertaining to gathering information or sources about specific subjects. These sources came from a variety of sources, including books and scholarly journals, books from the library, recordings, the internet, and other research resources (Zed, 2008, p. 3) because both explanatory and confirmatory research has been done. A questionnaire, which employs a scientific approach methodology, is used as the data source in this study since the research methodology refers to the process, measure, or approach utilized in gathering data for analysis.

Result and Discussion

An unexpected nugget of insight regarding what makes a successful wife in a culture dominated by males can be found in Proverbs 31. The chapter emphasizes her inner beauty, which bolsters the compliments she gets in the last few lines. Understanding the ideal lady in Hebrew society can be gained by examining the verses that make up the chapter (Budlender & Lund, 2011).

Wife is Worth More than Jewels (v.10b)

The word “gem” is a comparison. A capable wife is compared to a gem. The word “jewel” is written in the book of Proverbs four times (Prov. 3:15a, Prov. 8:11, Prov. 20:15, Prov. 31:10). A capable wife has a high value. It is worth more than gems. In Hebrew, it is paniy () or paniy (paw-nee’) means 1) a precious stone 1a) perhaps corals, rubies, or jewels (Camp, 1985). “This majestic wife is worth more than rubies. The Hebrew word for “great perfection” (JB) means “best” (NASB), “worth” (NAB), and “capability” (NEB) (MacArthur, 2005).” A wife who is more valuable than gems is a picture of a wife who has skill, wisdom, strength, glory, courage, and high value. It will bring profit, goodness, wealth, and honor, whose value is greater than any gem. Waltke and Yu (2007) explain that, in the sense that in her are enshrined the qualities which a man should look for in the ideal prospective wife and in the sense that here is the model which, in Israelite society of a certain level we need to remember that wisdom literature is, for the most part, at an upper or upper-middle class is held up for women of that class. Who can find a good wife? asks the author of Proverbs 31 at the beginning of this verse. She is worth far more than jewels, according to Proverbs 31:10 (ESV). To underline the rarity of such a noble wife, this verse begins with a question (Waltke & Yu, 2007). According to this scripture, such a wife was precious and rare, “more precious than jewels.” It also suggests that without God’s assistance, finding a noble wife is impossible.

The Wife is Trusted by Her Husband (Prov. 31:11a)

Trust is one of the noble attitudes in building the strength of the household ark. A wife believes in her husband. On the other hand, a husband believes in his wife. “Trust is the key to harmony in the family. Verse 11 expounds on the wife’s worth by noting some of the benefits she brings to her husband: “The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.” Even though, in the Hebrew culture, women appeared to be valued less than men, the excellent wife in verses 10 and 11 is deemed truly priceless. The word translated as “gain” is the Hebrew word salal (), which means “plunder” or “spoils.” Therefore, verse 11 creates an image in the reader’s mind. The wife was to be a great warrior for the family, bringing home the spoils from her ventures. She was not the breadwinner of the home, providing most of the income to support the family, but she did bring home the gains from her many endeavors. As a wife, she blessed her husband physically, spiritually, and financially. The word believe in Hebrew is batach (), which means trust, confidence, security, bold/daring. Translation of the words believes, TB-believe, KJV-safely believe in him, NIV-Full confidence/trustful, BIS-trust him. Wives are more valuable than gems and earn the full trust of their husbands. The husband trusts his wife safely in various activities, such as taking care of her husband, educating their children, taking care of the household, managing household assistants, managing finances, career, wealth, family future, and others related to her family life.

Because her talents are dependable, the wife’s husband has faith in her. His skill set’s breadth has a positive effect on his spouse, kids, and society at large, both now and in the future. Being a shrewd wife, she knows how to handle her work without disturbing her spouse or anyone else. His life reflects what God says about a faithful spouse. Because she fears God, the husband, therefore, has complete faith in his wife based on her correct attitude and deeds. She avoids all negative traits and tries to be flexible and obedient to her husband in an effort to make him happy.

Wife Gives Advantage to Her Husband (v.11b)

A wife who is valuable beyond jewels makes money for her husband. He is kind, giving, and giving. He is a man of duty and love. In order to do good deeds, she makes love the strongest binder by adoring, respecting, and being prepared to make sacrifices for her husband. Because God created the family, he obeyed God’s commands inside it (Gen. 2:18). God also governs the duties of every family member, including the wife’s duties. In order to benefit her husband, the wife must be trustworthy and accountable and must conduct excellent deeds (Prov. 31:12–15). She gives her spouse financial support. Wealth rises. The wife works hard and hard, and as a result, the husband and wife’s income rises. Both the husband and the wife are wealthy. Given the family’s possessions, the husband considers the advancement and virtue of society and abstains from bad deeds. They have all their spouses need to treat society unfairly. The spouse is no longer burdened by the family’s financial demands because there are wives who can provide for their husbands’ financial contentment. KJV translation. Thus, he will not require any points. This indicates that her spouse is not in need of wealth (v.11b). Because he has a wife who is passionate about her career and does not rely exclusively on her income, the husband no longer wants wealth. The ideals of a noble wife make her family happy.

She allows her spouse to concentrate on his work. Her spouse prioritizes advancing societal goals. Without many other obligations interfering with his employment, including his wife, her spouse gave his all to his task. His spouse fully supports her husband in concentrating on his work. The work’s concentration affects the production of highly valuable and valuable work for society. She confers an advantage of inner serenity to her husband. The woman happily takes care of their children’s and husband’s needs, which gives the husband peace of mind. God’s love is a home for children, spouses, and wives.

Do Good to Her Husband All Her Life (v.12)

A wife is more valuable than gems consistently doing good to her husband. A wife doing good to her husband is pleasing and pleasing to God. Good word in Hebrew town () means good, pleasant, agreeable. The word “do good”, which is parallel with the word “do not do evil”, gives an understanding that in his daily life, he does not do evil but does well to his husband. Wives do good to their husbands based on God’s standards, not human standards, let alone the wife’s standards. John M. Frame stated, “Kindness is conduct that requires God’s standards (Frame, 2019). Verse 12 gives more evidence of the wife’s contribution to her husband: “She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” The good that “she does him” includes not only material benefits but also moral, and spiritual blessings. In addition, the phrase “all the days of her life” (emphasis added) demonstrates a lasting marriage. The remainder of Proverbs 31 gives additional insight into the many ways that she blesses her husband and family, not just temporarily, but for the rest of her life (Chitando, 2004). Wives included, humans were made with good deeds in mind. Being a nice person is the cornerstone of creating a home. As a result, the wife has a constant duty to treat her husband well. Good deeds and intentions become necessary and ingrained. Being virtuous is designed to become second nature. Positive behaviors lead to positive outcomes. According to Bowden, J., routines that we intentionally follow for an extended length of time eventually shape who we are. Begin by making the choice to do good and living it with love (compassion and understanding). It will turn into a character and then the color of our joyful family life (Bowden, 2001). Lifestyle as a wife is more valuable than gems colored with kindness, sincerity, and loyalty. He guarded his words and deeds. She can do good in all things that build up her husband’s life. She supports her husband for good throughout his life. King Solomon revealed the bad character of a wife, namely, “a quarrelsome wife” (Prov. 21:9). A wife’s argument is like an unending drip (Prov. 18:13; 27:15). A divorcing spouse is akin to an unending stream of water. One of the symptoms of a leaky roof is “drain”. As it rains, the water will keep dripping and eventually fill the house. The wife’s tendency to pick fights is another issue that will recur and possibly worsen if the house’s roof is not fixed. Living with a wife who enjoys arguing, nagging, and getting furious will make her husband and other family members uncomfortable. If these circumstances are left to persist, the home will eventually become destroyed. God is not pleased that the relationship of family members is broken, but on the contrary, harmonious. For this reason, all efforts to solve important problems are sought.

Make Her Husband Known at the Gate (Prov. 31:23a)

A capable wife is more valuable than a gems to bring good to her husband. She provides support and makes her husband known at the gate. The word known in Hebrew is yadda (), which means know, known, knowledge, shew, tell, understand, consider, teach. The word gate in Hebrew is sha`ar () gate, city, door, other meanings of opportunity, port, porters. “The gate is the place of exercise of power and authority. In OT times, the Jewish elders made important decisions in the open and wide, near the city gates. A place to discuss and decide matters.” Michael V. Fox explains, 31: 23 LXX: “α Her husband is notable [peribleptos] in the gates when he sits in council [en synedri] with the elders who dwell [katoikon] in the land.” LXX enhances the husband’s status—he is “notable” (peribleptos) and “looked at from all sides.” His sitting in the gates, LXX explains, is not for leisure but to serve in the city assembly. Synhedrion is added or introduced artificially here and in 11:13, 15:22, 22:10, 24:8, and 27:22. The local assembly was an important part of the communal life of the translator.

31:23. LXX: “Her husband was famous [peribleptos] at the gate when he sat in the council [] with the elders living [katoikōn] in the land.” The LXX elevates the status of the husband—he is peribleptos, “prominent,” and “seen from all sides.” Sitting at the gate, the LXX explained, was not to relax but to serve in the city assembly. Synhedrion was added or introduced artificially here and at 11:13, 15:22, 22:10, 24:8, and 27:22. Local assemblies are an important part of the translator’s communal life.

Wife of Good Character (vv. 13–15a, 16–17, 19–20, 27)

Wives of good character do not just happen but through a process of formation both in terms of spirituality and education. Where the wife understands and practices God’s Word about doing good. He does not ignore but cares about inner norms. Inner norms lead to good, true, strong character and are valid for all time.

A capable wife of good character states that “Many women have done good, but you are above all of them (v. 29). TB version translation,…has done good even more than all of them. KJV version,…but thou excelles them all. The translation, but you are the most perfect of them all. The word ‘most perfect’ means more perfect, ideal than anything else. Siagian stated, “For Jews, education is everything (the smart people in the world are mostly Jews). Education is God’s command to train a person. In this case, training based on God’s law is the core curriculum that fosters the growth of values for the formation of one’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills (Siagian, 2019). The wife carries out her nature as a commensurate helper (Gen. 2:18) and a rib that God has appointed (Gen. 2:22–23). “Worthy means suitable, appropriate, appropriate, in the sense that her shortcomings and strengths are very suitable for God to use for her” husband’s character formation. Husbands are helped in completing their duties. John W. Miller also stated that the Shelloa household needs people of godly character, and this necessity transpires only by divine gift. The godly wife is God’s. This means that the shalom of a household needs people who are pious in character, and this need only occurs because of divine gifts. A godly wife is a gift from God. God carries out His plan through a wife who has good character (Meyers, 1991).

Work Hard (vv.13–14, 16, 27b)

A capable wife who works hard. Diligent works not only to take care of her husband and children but also works in weaving, farming, and trading, which has a good impact on her family.

Proverbs 31:13a, “He seeks wool and flax. The Hebrew word for search is darash (), which means to resort to, seek, seek with care, inquire, and require. Translation version TB (Terjemahan Baru)-looking, BIS (Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari)-diligently collected. The wife diligently works to find, obtain, collect, and arrange fleece and flax, which will be used as materials in making clothes. Fleece in the Old Testament for clothing made of wool. Jute was the basic material for linen in Old Testament times (Hos. 2:7, 11). Hemp was woven into clothing (Ezek. 40:3). Jute material can be used for various types of clothing (Deut. 22:11; Lev. 13:47, 59; Ezek. 44:17).

Proverbs 31:13b…, “and loves to work with his hands.” The Hebrew word for pleasure is chephets (), which means pleasure, desire, delight, purpose, acceptable, delightsome, matter/important, and willingly. The KJV version-volunteer work, TB-happy to work, BIS and FAYH spun it diligently. She works weaving with passion and a strong determination to meet the needs of her household, especially preparing clothes for herself, her husband, and children, her household and even selling for money (v.24a). “He is likened to a merchant ship (Prov. 31:14a).” Merchant means a person who trades something in large quantities; wholesalers. Marketed locally but also exported. So, it can be ascertained that he sold the woven products in large quantities and brought in a lot of money.

Proverbs 31:16a, “He bought a field that he wanted”. The KJV translation is what she considers a field. The Hebrew concidereth is zamam () means thought, devise, consider, purpose, imagine.

He considered a field. He thought and imagined a profitable goal, so he decided to buy a field to grow grapes (Prov. 31:16b). He managed the newly purchased field, and it became a new profitable business for himself and his family.

Proverbs 31:27b, “... he does not eat the food of sloth.” The KJV translation is and eateth not the bread of idleness. The Hebrew word for bread is lechem, which means bread, food, meat, and showbread. “… don’t eat the bread of sloth. “Laziness (1) is laziness; lazy nature (state); (2) too lazy; too lazy. Lazy refers to a person (1) who does not want to work or do something; (2) who is shy; does not like; not lustful”. A capable wife does not like to eat the bread of sloth. He has no desire to eat food without working. She is not a wife who sits idle and expects her husband or someone else to do the work while she relaxes and does nothing. He is not selfish, and he is only selfish solely to satisfy his desires.

New Translation Version (NIV), “…and he is never lazy (v.27b)”. Never lazy means always diligent. By always working diligently, then he gets food. Food is a source of energy that can spur enthusiasm to always work hard. A wife who is too lazy to work will find it difficult to get food because laziness will not bring food. Meanwhile, a diligent wife will get food. That is why a capable wife does not want to be lazy because she does not produce anything. Unemployed people will get nothing. Food doesn’t just come, but food comes from work (Lang, 2004).

Firmly Take Care of the Family (vv.15a, 27a)

A wife with good character submits to God and also to her husband. He is determined to take care of his family every day. She prioritizes family and is even willing to sacrifice for the sake of her husband and children (Omegawati, 2018).

Proverbs 31:15a, “He wakes up when it is still night.” The translation of the BIS version is that he wakes up before the sun rises…(v.15a). Waking up is the opposite of sleep. By the time the rest of the family was still asleep before morning, the capable wife was awake. He didn’t wake up with the rest of the family. He got up first. He put aside his comfort by not sleeping and lazing on the bed before morning. But he soon woke up from his sleep to prepare himself and meet the needs of all the family members. He did it for the happiness of the family. Unlike a lazy wife, she will not be diligent in getting up from her sleep to do housework before the rest of the family wakes up. He is not lazing in his bed. Therefore, the meaning of the word sleep here is synonymous with laziness. Lazy to wake up in the morning or at dawn. He wakes up when the sun rises. But a capable wife wakes up early and rushes to work for family needs (Gorman, 2001). Then, he prepared food for his household (v.15a). The translation of the KJV version is to give meat to her household, meaning giving meat to the whole household. The BIS version is to prepare breakfast for the household. He has a passion for work and serves physical needs in the form of food for his family. Preparing food for the family, starting from breakfast, is the main thing. All family members need to eat before moving throughout the day. With the fulfillment of physical needs, the body becomes healthy and strong and, as a result, radiates joy. She wanted their husbands and children to enjoy joy together. Joy and happiness are important moments in the family. That is why a capable wife works diligently so that she brings in her income, which is used to buy food for her household. The combination of tenacity, courage, dexterity, strength, and spirit of a wife who is capable of working brings her income (Groenewald, 2005).

Proverbs 31:27a says, “he watches over all the conduct of his household…” An able wife watches over carefully each member of her family and others who live with them. He takes good care to keep family relations harmonious. He also controls to ensure that all family members are in a good and safe situation and condition. She manages all household chores well. The word all means everything, without exception. All the actions of his household are observed and controlled properly. The Hebrew word for oversee is tsaphah (), which means watchman/watch guard/watch, behold/look, espy/look from afar, look well/look good. The translation of the KJV version is she looks well in her household, meaning she takes good care of her household (v.27a). The translation of the BIS version is that he pays close attention to everything that happens in his household. A well-spoken and careful wife watches over and directs her household. He diligently controls to ensure that all family members remain in good condition and safe.

Helpful (v.20)

A capable wife likes to help. “He gives his hand to the oppressed, extends his hand to the poor” (v. 20). Giving his hand in Hebrew is paras () means to spread out, spread abroad, breaketh, lay open. TB version translation gives his hand, KJV holds out his hand, NIV and RSV open his hand. A capable wife extends her hand openly to others. “Open arms mean (1) helpful, generous; (2) (accepted) with pleasure”. The word “his hands” is open in verse 20; he is happy to help others. She is a generous wife who gives to those in need. Her hands and fingers are not heavy to give from her efforts and income because she is a kind wife and can accept other people’s circumstances, including the poor. He gave without grumbling but with joy. He helped solve other people’s problems by sharing. His hands are used to give. His hands spread kindness that radiates from a sincere heart (Camp, 1985).

A capable wife gives her hand to the oppressed. The word “oppressed” in verse 20 refers to the word “poor”. Poor in Hebrew is aniy () means poor, afflicted, lowly, wretched. The word “poor” is poverty and misery, without wealth, lacking, and destitute. John Stott stated, “There are three kinds of poverty groups. First, from an economic point of view, people are poor due to a lack of material resources. Second, from a social point of view, the poor are the result of oppression, who are victims of injustice, and are powerless. Third, from a spiritual point of view, humble poor people only expect God’s help” (Claassens, 2016).

Proverbs are more likely to explain poverty from an economic perspective. Economically, a capable wife has wealth from her hard work, so she gets the opportunity to share it with pleasure. He is caring and generous by giving to those in need. He is not arrogant and selfish. This is in line with other chapters and verses in the book of Proverbs that emphasize concern for the poor (Murphy, 1999).

Wealth must be shared (Prov. 11:24). Spread wealth but get richer. A person is getting richer because he has characteristics such as fearing God, working, wisely managing finances, and loving to give. The more wealth you have, the more opportunities you have to give. Wealth comes from God, not solely from man himself, even though he works hard to achieve it. If it is only human strength alone, he can’t become rich. Therefore, wealth is used for the glory of God’s name by sharing it with the poor. Blessings are given in abundance (Prov. 11:25). A kind person shares his fortune with the poor (Prov. 22:9). Good people always care about the people around them. He generously shared his fortune with the poor. He did not close his eyes, hands, and heart, unlike the miser, who is not willing to share with others. “Extremely thrifty, always lacking” (Prov. 11:24b). The stingy person suffers from lack (Prov. 29:22b). Giving to the poor will not lack (Prov. 28:27) (Lyons, 1987). This verse contains a promise. God’s promises are never fake, but faithfully carry out His promises and are given on time. God promises that “..., there will be no shortage”. God promises to provide sufficiency and even abundance. God’s promises are never fake, but He faithfully carries out His promises and is given on time. God promises that “..., there will be no shortage”. God promises to provide sufficiency and even abundance. God’s promises are never fake, but faithfully carry out His promises and are given on time. God promises that “..., there will be no shortage”. God promises to provide sufficiency and even abundance (Fox, 2009).

Have Courage (v.21)

A capable wife has courage. He dares to walk with strong confidence and optimism so that he is not afraid of obstacles and challenges that will occur now and in the future. Proverbs 31:21, “He is not afraid of the snow for his household, for all his household is clothed in double.”

The Hebrew word for “fear” is ‘yare’ (). It means fear, afraid, terrible, or terrible things. He is not afraid to face bad situations and conditions and terrible things (Davis, 2009).

The word “snow” is also found in other chapters of Proverbs. “Like the cool snow in the season…” (Prov. 25:3). “Like snow in the seasons…” (Prov.26:1). These verses talk about one of the seasons, namely winter or winter. In subtropical and temperate countries, there are several seasons, such as spring, summer, autumn, and winter (Hard, 2004). The seasons change according to a certain period. During the winter, the weather is very cold, so you need clothes that can provide warmth and comfort to your body to stay strong and healthy. On the other hand, in the winter season, people at that time generally could not work to fulfill their daily needs as they should. They are not free to move because the temperature is very low and very cold. So, the snow season describes a situation where everyone will be faced with bad situations and conditions and even terrible things. However, a wise person can manage life by preparing himself economically so that all his needs can be fulfilled in difficult times.

A capable wife does not fear the snow but fears God. He has an awareness of the importance of the usefulness of working and getting rid of all laziness. He worked hard to make clothes that warmed his household before winter arrived. He was not worried in the winter, that would make his body shiver from the cold. They are ready to face the winter in peace in the next few months.

Duplicate Hebrew is shaniy () means scarlet/scarlet. The KJV version translation is for all her households to be clothed with scarlet. This means that the whole house is clad in scarlet. Dressing scarlet means dressing in scarlet (McCreesh, 1985). The scarlet cloth is one of the materials used for the ephod. The ephod is the garment of the Jewish high priest. Israelite worship leader. “They shall make the ephod of gold, indigo, and purple, and scarlet...” (Ex. 28:6). The ephod was made by an expert designer. A wife who is capable of making clothes from scarlet fabric. Quality materials and expensive. She designs and makes the best clothes for the people closest to her, namely her husband, children, and servants (Labahn, 2014).

Furthermore, another meaning of the word “double” (v.21b) is double in English is double. “Double, according to KBBI, is double, double, twin”. The clothes provided by a capable wife doubled in the winter. This means that there is enough clothing for the household during the winter. They do not lack because supplies are sufficient. On the other hand, double means not only sufficient clothing in winter but also sufficient clothing in other seasons. Apart from that, the duplicate also stated that in addition to sufficient clothing, there were also other necessities, such as supplies for food. Food is a daily staple regardless of the season. A capable wife prepares for food and clothing needs in difficult times so that she can continue to live the next life without the many hardships that can cause suffering. And those difficult times can be passed without reducing the happiness of all his family members (Claassens, 2016).


The Law of Cause and Effect in the Bible

In the Bible, the law of cause and effect is a fundamental principle that is emphasized throughout the scriptures. It teaches that the choices and actions of individuals have consequences and that those who align themselves with God’s will are blessed as a result. Proverbs 31 provides a beautiful illustration of this principle, particularly in the context of the capabilities and actions of a wife.

The Capable Wife and the Law of Cause and Effect

The passage in Proverbs 31:31 emphasizes the concept of reaping the fruits of one’s labor. It states, “...Give him a share of the produce of his hands.” This verse underscores the idea that those who diligently work according to God’s will are blessed by Him. The capable wife described in Proverbs 31 exemplifies the principle of cause and effect through her actions and their results. She brings food (v.15a)-She buys a field and plants grapes (v.16)-She makes clothes for her household and for herself (vv.21b-22)-She makes and sells clothes (v.24). The capable wife fully believes in the principle of cause and effect as she diligently carries out God’s Word. She understands that the results of her efforts are a manifestation of God’s blessings. The blessings resulting from the capable wife’s actions not only bring happiness to her family but also extend to others. The invitation to “Give him...” (v.31) implies that others also benefit from the results of her diligent work.

Blessing” in the Bible

In the context of the capable wife in Proverbs 31, the term “blessing” refers to vitality, creativity, and fulfillment. It encompasses the idea that the progress and prosperity of life are a result of God’s blessing. The capable wife’s actions and their results bring happiness not only to her family but also to those around her.

In conclusion, the law of cause and effect, as taught in the Bible, is beautifully exemplified in the actions and results of the capable wife in Proverbs 31. Her diligent work in alignment with God’s will brings about blessings not only for herself and her family but also for others, illustrating the far-reaching impact of living according to God’s principles.


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